wow, it’s 2020.
how did that happen?
how did that happen?
a little post about my backyard project. finally seeing it become, well, backyard.
Greg is just chillin.
Red Sox opening day is April 1st. no foolin’!
while he’s been doing a lot of smiling, sometimes we catch him being shy.
doesn’t really even qualify for a 9.1 release, but a note. this new design has meant a lot of images going away, since i’m currently only showing the full post for the first item, and the post excerpt for all subsequent items. i’m fixing that.
J built this Mega Blok structure this morning.
this is the ninth major iteration for the design of my site, and it’s quite a doozy. i’ve been working on it a bit at a time for weeks now, finally at a point where it matches my vision so I made it public. i had a few goals in mind when I started this […]
so we’re unable to give Gregory a real bath yet for various medical reasons, but today we had to sponge bathe him and clean his hair. it got fuzzier!
please help us welcome into this world Gregory Michael Susz. he was born at 9:54pm on 10/17/10, at 41 weeks gestation (1 week overdue). we brought him home today and everyone’s getting settled in. at birth he was 6 pounds, 14 ounces and 21 ½” long. and he’s cute. hair! heading home!