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Never-ending Projects

Today is VOP day–there will be victory over the paper that hasn’t been filed in it’s proper place!

On a side note, the master bath has finally been finished. It’s very pretty and I’m quite happy with the results. Finally, the horrible gold that we’ve lived with for almost 4 years is gone. I can’t say I’ll miss it.

This room now matches the master bedroom.

posted in house, minutiae by carrie, on August 11, 2012 Comments Off on Never-ending Projects

Dinner with Tom, Dick, and Harry

Tis the season to suffer through spend time with family that you see only once in a blue moon.  This year–our Thanksgiving is going to be spent in Maine at my Uncle Dickie’s house.  It should be quite a treat–Mike hasn’t met my Uncle Harry yet and the last time he saw Uncle Dickie was […]

Internet + Rocks

How is it that weekends keep getting shorter? This thought struck me when I was digging out a couple of large rocks yesterday afternoon. Sure, Saturday, we waited out rain that just never ended and then Sunday was…plants and rocks. It seems that everywhere I wanted to plant a rhododendron or a forsythia, someone had […]