day off
so our days hauling up to DHMC to see Justin end up being almost entirely non-productive. we take two days off per week and try to pile all the chores and projects into those two days. here’s today’s To-Do list:
- check P.O. box
- go shopping @ walmart
- vacuum bedroom
- clean bathroom(s)
- clean out fridge
- keg kolsch (batch of beer)
- transfer ipa to secondary ferment (another batch of beer)
- move stuff from upstairs freezer to downstairs freezer
- do Justin laundry
- finish painting guest room
- fold all clean laundry
- empty dishwasher
- fill dishwasher
finished it all. tomorrow’s drive up to Lebanon will be the relaxing part of the weekend!
I don’t see sleep anywhere on the list?
posted on May 31, 2009