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welcome our newest blogger: the Mrs.

for about a decade now, has been a solo blog. just me, blathering about just what i’m thinking about, sporadically.

that doesn’t really reflect who i am though, or my life and what affects me. for the past eight years, someone has been by my side for this crazy ride we call ‘life.’ and since her blog has become focused on taxes and business, she’s needed an outlet to post about what goes on in our lives outside of work*.

so with much further ado, i present to you: the Mrs. welcome, carrie, to!

(*or maybe she just got tired of how infrequently i update)

2 responses to “welcome our newest blogger: the Mrs.”

mom says:

welcome……into my life once again!

posted on September 16, 2008

mom says:

well the “mrs.” must be a women of few words!

posted on September 26, 2008