wiggy. weekend. weather.
okay, it wasn’t the weekend. but i had to throw in the reference to LA Story, one of my favorite movies of all time.
we’ve been enjoying, in new england, the remnants of some hurricane or something. a spiral of precip came through yesterday with band after band moving over us in a line, almost directly northward, dropping huge amounts of rain. my weather station reads 4.03 inches of precip yesterday.
just to the east of us, by all eyewitness accounts, a tornado went thru the towns of Epsom, Alton, and Barnstead. everyone is cautious to say “tornado” but when you see the pictures at the Union Leader, i’ve personally never seen a thunderstorm tear a house asunder.
i, myself, got quite the workout, getting up every 2 minutes to close another set of windows as the wind shifted and threw rain at a different side of the house.
in the midst of all this, i managed to put in a workday nearly 15 hours long. today should be shorter (i didn’t start working at 5:45) but hopefully just as productive.
oh, and it’s sunny out. go figure.
update: okay, the NWS people are saying it was straight-line winds, apparently.