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site update: a bit of design work

not earth-shattering developments, but i’ve made a few updates to my site theme that may or may not be interesting, depending on whether you are a geek or not. in no particular order, the changes include:

  • the site name is larger, and the byline is moved to the right of it
  • the main page width scales with your browser window width, but will have a minimum and maximum width if your window gets too small or too large (except Internet Explorer 6 users – you get a fixed width page. please upgrade)
  • there is a very subtle, dotted separator line delineating the flickr images on the left, from the content column in the center, from the utility column on the right
  • not only do the columns scale with browser width, but the whitespace between them scales, and keeps the separator line centered between the columns
  • the header and columns now are more rigidly aligned in a grid
  • the utility column on the right scales up to be wider than it used to be, yet scales down smaller than it used to
  • the content column, and parts of the utility column, are now text-justified so they fill squarely to the right margin
  • i’ve added some simple logic to the flickr image display so it retrieves fewer images on article pages than it does on the homepage (the content of some articles is a lot shorter, and the images were pushing out the page height past the content length)

this revisit was inspired by attending An Event Apart Boston recently (writing a summary of AEA on my SQUAREDESIGN site). if you have any opinions, let me know.

one response to “site update: a bit of design work”

Frank says:

There is a defect in your post. Your “upgrade” link is not pointing to

posted on June 26, 2008