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guess what happened today?

yeah, i sound like a broken record.


another 7-8 inches, got all that cleared but now it’s accumulating sleet and might switch over to freezing rain before it switches back to snow.

posted in minutiae by mike, on December 16, 2007

2 responses to “guess what happened today?”

mom says:

how happy are you that you are back on the east coast?
you have officaly shoveled nore snow in the past 2 weeks than in the past
6 years!

posted on December 17, 2007

mike says:

yeah we got more snow here last thursday in 3 hours than seattle gets in an entire season.

you know, the best way to sum it up, i’ll borrow from some folks we met @ o’hare while on a layover. they said, “i’d rather be around inhospitable weather, than inhospitable people.”

posted on December 18, 2007