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more about work…

so, i’m not exactly certain why i said i’d comment on this later – but here we go. i gave notice, in 2 weeks i’m done working @ WaMu. it’s been almost 5 years, and there have been good and bad moments of course.

mostly, i think i’ve enjoyed seeing the evolution of online financial management applications over the years. i wish i could talk about the next generation — the one i’m building right now (for the next 2 weeks, anyway.) but i can’t talk about it yet. just rest assured – that it will be beautiful, intuitive, and FAST.

okay, enough yearbook copy about my job @ WaMu. what does the future hold? well, my wife already has landed gainful employment in NH. yes, she’s a specialist in tax preparation, mitigation, IRS Enrolled Agent Certification, and she’s currently testing for her CPA. i know — why do i work at all? heh. well, this shift is part of the deal.

with her having a good job providing benefits for both of us, i get a chance to strike out on my own, for real. i get to brush up on the latest stuff (been studying Ext, JQuery, YUI, and the like) and then begin soliciting contract and freelance work. why not? i’ve been developing websites personally for 14 years now, and professionally for 12 years. i like to build. i’m very good at UI development. why not concentrate on just what i’m most qualified and adept at?

it’s a gamble, for sure. i expect there to be a few lean weeks (months?) in the beginning. and if it doesn’t work out — well, i go back to commuting to a cubicle. but if it does work out — i get to work from home. let’s just hope the cats don’t decide to tromp on my keyboard too often. money is money!

posted in minutiae by mike, on August 15, 2007

one response to “more about work…”

Frank Bascio says:

Time to dust off that business plan for rating beers that has been sitting on your bookshelf for years? Install DJango and go for it!


posted on August 15, 2007