all hands on deck!
yep, that was our weekend. work on the deck.
i have to say, fixing a deck, restoring, refinishing, replacing bad parts, etc. takes a heck of a lot longer than actually building one.
about halfway through this project, i stopped and thought to myself…. wouldn’t a nice patio look better in this place? heh.
but today we got major carpentry and staining/preserving done. all we have left is installing the lattice, and making the “gate” for the “loading dock” end. but i can build that in the shop, so good weather isn’t particularly necessary.
also, last weekend – we moved a ton of gravel. yeah, literally. (why did the stone yard load 2600lbs of gravel into a 1/2 ton truck?) but the front walkway was re-set into gravel (instead of sand) and now it feels rock-solid.
of course, all of this is useless without pictures. will try and get some this week after work. and we still have dahlias blooming, which is crazy. i hope they flower before the first frost hits.