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we can dance if we want to…

… we can leave your friends behind.

darn, i’ve had that song stuck in my head all day. not because i’ve been listening to my 80’s megamixes on the iPod, but because i recently watched the “80’s Guy” episode of Futurama (3ACV21: Futurestock).

so, what’s new?

Hot, Hot, Hot! BeerFest! and Movin’ Out!

Hot, Hot, Hot!

we’re going through another period of above-average temperatures. it’s almost warm enough to be uncomfortable. especially bad for someone who moved out here, in part, for the moderate weather.

oh well, quickly enough, it will change. the forecasts keep predicting rain for the weekend, i think it will be a welcome change. speaking of the weather …


… in the hot sun this past weekend, we attended the NWSource Summer Brewfest, June 19th-20th 2004 at St. Edwards State Park in Kenmore, WA.

a good time was had by all. we tried to stick to sampling only the brews and breweries that weren’t on our usual list, and we weren’t disappointed.

well worth the price of admission (even if we had to sleep in the car for a bit before i could drive home). and we’re looking forward to trying a few breweries/pubs that we hadn’t previously been aware of, or that were farther down on our list.

Movin’ Out!

and to cap the weekend off, we saw the broadway musical Movin’ Out at the Paramount Theatre in Seattle.

the show was amazing. i’m not the type who is usually moved and enchanted with musical theatre, but i really was absorbed in the plot and 2 hours flew by before i knew it.

some of the acrobatic feats of the dancers made me significantly guilty that i skipped going to the gym earlier in the day.

i think that’s it for now. i’m just happy to get an update out with greater frequency than haley’s comet.

posted in minutiae by mike, on June 19, 2004

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