Portland, OR
a trip to portland to see the roses.
on this trip to Portland, we revisited the Portland Internation Rose Test Garden (PIRTG) and there were a lot more roses than our trip in february (when there were none whatsoever). we also visited the Peninsula Park Rose Garden which i read somewhere was larger in area than the other, but it’s not maintained as well and most of the flowers were in drought mode or past their prime. the PIRTG was definitely the best bet – so it was swamped with tourists on Sunday, and only slightly less swamped on Monday. show up early or prepare to walk from the car.
other fun things we did in town included attending the tail end of the last day of the Oregon Brewers Festival at Waterfront Park. our favorite (out of the beers that remained) was “Lakefront White” by Lakefront Brewery of Milwaukee, WI.
i’ve posted my photos from the rose test garden up to Flickr:
mikeyboy.com’s portland international rose test garden photoset