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back in seattle again

new photo of me & falconwe arrived back in seattle yesterday afternoon, after a just-under-1-week trip to manchester, nh and the boston area. “a good time was had by all” as the kids say (and i’ve probably said about every trip i’ve blogged about here, ever.) falcon was happy to see us, of course.

i guess, if a good time wasn’t had, why would we keep doing this? or why would i bother telling you about it?

it all started with a redeye flight to boston. who knew alaska did non-stops from seattle to boston? i sure didn’t. but now i know, and since losing weight, flights are a lot easier to deal with.

the flight out was somewhat uncomfortable, however. not sure if it was just the type of plane or seat, but i didn’t get a lot of sleep. perhaps it was the excitement of being back in new england, or just being excited about not having to go to work the next day.

DENT-all car

we arrived in boston shortly after 7. after an amusing shuttle ride to the rental car co, we saw our steed for the trip: Chevy Malibu MAXX. non-plussed. 25,000+ miles. beaten. every panel, scratched/dented. super non-plussed. the greater disappointment, however, would come later.

anyways, in car, heading out. ted williams tunnel. want 93 north. see sign: “93 South Boston” think “oh, that’s 93 South, it goes to South Boston.” nope. interpret the above to say: “93 and/or South Boston.” ugh. now we’re stuck on the mass pike, heading west out of town.

first exit: newton exit towards cambridge, able to get back on storrow heading back downtown. $1 toll for the pike. d’oh! considered alternative toll booth payment, thought against it.

find 93 north, zakim bridge!

anyway, we got to manchester okay. did a little hanging out with carrie’s folks, went to a few brewpubs. got to see one of carrie’s childhood friends/classmates be ordained. that was very interesting.

after a few short days, we were heading back to seattle.


i’d be remiss if i neglected to summarize our brewpub experiences, so here we go. short list:

Strange Brew Tavern, Manchester NH
one of our usual haunts in manchester. many taps, many great beers available. free popcorn. quite smokey in the bar.
The Tap, Haverhill MA
what a surprise. friday night haverhill was hopping, we eventually found parking in the historic washington street district. The Tap was awesome – very good beer, very good food, very good service, very good atmosphere. can’t say enough good things.
Cambridge Brewing Company, Cambridge MA
located in the one kendall square complex in cambridge, it was a nice surprise. again, great beer and great food of course. kinda noisy and they sit you within 5 inches of a table next to you (kinda weird… i don’t need to hear other conversations as if i should be part of them) but we dealt with it and eventually tuned the obnoxious guy next to us out.

hopperoh, by the way, hopper is happy that we’re home, too.

oh! the disappointment with the rental car? we found out on friday, when the temps and humidity both rose to around 90, that the AC didn’t work. ugh.

posted in minutiae, travel by mike, on June 6, 2007 Comments Off on back in seattle again

tax season is over!

yes, tax season 2007 has ended. carrie celebrated on the 17th with her co-workers, when their office closed at noon, to remain closed through the 18th as well.

since she had the 18th off, we decided i should take a vacation day as well. after sleeping late (much to the chagrin of the cats) we had breakfast, and took some time to relax and study (carrie for the CPA, and me, for my Accounting class).

19 Apr 2007


i finally uploaded our pictures from our trip to chicago in 2004. (long story, they were in iPhoto on carrie’s computer). anyway, here’s the whole collection:

Chicago 2004 it includes pictures of Oak Park, IL, the Unity Temple, and from the Skydeck of the Sears Tower. (my, how touristy of us!)

here’s a sampling of images from oak park:

29 Mar 2007

a refreshing change

this weekend, in addition to the usual home improvement and homework activities, we decided we needed a break from everything, and took a quick 1/2 day jaunt up to Bellingham, WA.

13 Mar 2007

Thanksgiving 2006 trip, part 1

yes, we’re back in the Pacific Northwest, after a week in the Northeast for Thanksgiving, 2006.

it was a good trip, although it started out on a sad note. read on for details about driving, hotels, nostalgia, and mundane details that only i’m really interested in. part 1 of 2, or 3, depending on how chatty i get.

26 Nov 2006

Skagit Valley Tulip Festival 2006

we went to the Skagit Valley Tulip Festival yesterday, April 8th 2006. below you can find a link to a Flickr photoset with 115 images.

the big fields immediately surrounding Roozengaarde weren’t planted, so they don’t have them open to go wander around in. but the presentation gardens were full of variety as always and it was an absolute mob scene.’s skagit valley tulip festival 2006 photoset

9 Apr 2006

back from the east, part 2: electric bugaloo

yes, we’ve recently returned from our 2nd trip back east. this time, a visit to carrie’s parents in New Hampshire. (live free or die)

picture of new hampshire state seal

much fun, and many tasty brews, were had by all. details follow.

12 Jan 2006

preparing for takeoff, again

just getting set for another week of adventure on the east coast. this time: new england! always a great place to visit in january.

err… nevermind. heh.
map depicting distance from seattle to boston
and we should get to spend a little time in boston, which i’m both looking forward to and dreading.

3 Jan 2006