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leveling off

things at home are still crazy, anticipating the arrival of Lincoln Mercury (that will not be his real name).

but i have been able to block out some time to work on projects here and there. one that i’ve been really wanting to get done is to take care of the low spot in back of our house. when we moved in, it was basically a stagnant pond, blocked off by felled logs and full of rotting organic matter.

this spring, i dredged out drainage channels with a pickaxe, and moved the logs (all about 6′ long, and 10-12″ round) so water would flow. it drained a LOT of the problem water away.

recently i chunked & removed all the deadfall in the immediate area. then, i wanted to clear down to soil before i started filling i with more soil. that meant removing a layer of organics – leaves, and roots. i was surprised at the depth and tenacity of it.

here it is after i’ve moved about 4 yards of fresh loam into where i cleared/excavated:

the next phase of this is to move back into the woods a bit more, progress is slow by more large tree roots:

the layer of organic matter i’m talking about is actually pretty intense. the ‘mat’ of roots i actually have to cut, roll back, and cut along the edge and continue rolling.

along the way i’ve encountered many rocks – this is the Granite State, after all. they will become part of our future landscaping around the house. the pile in the first picture is just from this project alone. some of them i can’t lift, i had to roll them out.

climbing the ladder

no, i didn’t get a promotion at work (the boss doesn’t like me). but Julie still loves the ladder. i dragged it out to clean the arch window in the great room, and within 60 seconds of setting it up – here we go!

3 Oct 2010

an afternoon in the forest

anyone who’s been to our house will know that about 60% of our lot is trees. a fairly thick forest, with a lot of scrub, underbrush, and deadfall – the result of a long period of absolutely no forestry management or maintenance. plus, a lot of the downed trees and limbs are due to the […]

August is here

last year on August 8th, we spent the night up at Dartmouth in the ‘Koala Suite’ – a special room in the ICN where parents room in with their babies for a night before they are discharged. a test for the parents, for sure. thankfully, they did this 2 days before Justin was allowed to […]

hai 2 u 2

this is Lincoln. Lincoln Mercury, to be more precise. (this will not be his real name). but he’s definitely en-route. pictured above, he’s at 27 weeks & 1 day. he’s measuring about a week ahead of his big brother. it’s looking like he will arrive ahead of schedule also, but not as early as Justin. […]

13 Jul 2010

a roast

in addition to a myriad of other things today,  i was finally able to roast some coffee again. i hadn’t done it since the middle of winter, where it takes a bit longer to roast (but it cools down faster!) i got started roasting when carrie gave me an assortment of green coffee beans and […]

20 Mar 2010

water in the woods

taking a look at the snowpack melt/runoff in our woods. thankfully it runs sideways and drains into the ditch on the far edge of our property.

15 Mar 2010

what we’re up to

yep, it’s been almost a full quarter of a year since i updated. life is busy, as you could imagine. i hope you’ll forgive me if i offer up a photo: justin is now 10 months old, and at his last neonatal follow-up he weighed 16lbs, 2.5oz. and he’s a hoot.