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March, 2006

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site updates – updated CMS software, and URL aliases

here’s one for the geeks in the audience (sorry, mom & mom-in-law).

i’ve recently updated my site to the latest stable release of my content management system, and discovered functionality (that’s existed in it for quite some time) to alias the big ugly URLs i was previously using, down to nice quick ones.

for example:

this url: /taxonomy/term/2/all is now represented simply as: /travel

probably doesn’t mean a hill of beans to anyone but me, but i think it’s fun. and it should help google to classify my content as well.

posted in sitenews by mike, on March 28, 2006 Comments Off on site updates – updated CMS software, and URL aliases

and i don't even care, to shake these zipper blues

And I don�t even care to shake these zipper blues
And we don�t know
Just where our bones will rest
To dust I guess
Forgotten and absorbed
into the earth below

back to my old style: musical reference & summary of recent activities (office project, brewing, house project, cats). who’s that on the iPod?

23 Mar 2006


ted lost his fight with cancer today.

a picture of teddy

7 Mar 2006